09:00 - 16:00 Monday to Friday and 9.00 - 14.00 Saturday and Sunday (Closed Good Friday & Christmas Day) 


Hours: 09:00 - 15:00 Everyday (Closed Public Holidays)


Hearty all day breakfasts, snacks, light meals and strawberry desserts, thats the Big Strawberry menu . Bring the Family to the GIANT indoor Playground for a fun day out . It is suitable for children of all ages with two designated age areas and enjoy a great meal while you're there. PANCAKES are our signature dish, filled with strawberries and topped with home made strawberry topping, fresh cream and housemade strawberry ice cream..we offer lots of variations and they are all strawber-licious.

Scones as high as a teacup served with Big Strawberry Jam and freshly whipped cream...yummy


Bring the family to the Big Strawberry for a delicious day out picking strawberries. We will weigh and package them for you ready to take home and enjoy. There is no charge to pick just pay for what you pick

Strawberries are available to pick... April - July and October - January (seasons may vary)


The Big Strawberry Indoor Playground has re-opened with some Covid Restrictions.

We now have limited numbers, (25 children in the 3-12 area) and (10 children in the 0-3 area), limited seating and only two parents/carers to attend with the children. With children required to sanitize on entry and exit to the playground.

Two sessions available 9.15-11.15 and 12.30-2.30 (bookings essential). The smaller playground for the 0-3 year olds is free, and the large playground for the 3-12 is $5 per child. SOCKS are a must...make sure wear bring them to play. We are fully air conditioned for whatever the weather

Enjoy a drink or snack in our family dining area while you supervise the children watching on our screens and viewing windows.. When they want a break from playing....... view us making our products from scratch in our production room and take the kids to the Mancave memorabilia Museum to checkout the items from days gone by


7034 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Koonoomoo VIC 3644