09:00 - 16:00 Monday to Friday and 9.00 - 14.00 Saturday and Sunday (Closed Good Friday & Christmas Day) 


Central Murray Sunrise Rotary Club

N/A Local Business Yarrawonga

Charity Organization


The Central Murray Sunrise Rotary Club promotes the development of relationships that make a difference.

Rotary clubs bring together people across generations who wish to create lasting change in the world, in their communities, and in themselves. Rotary and Rotaract members around the world strengthen their connections to friends and neighbors taking action through service.

On the 4th Sunday of every month, Sunrse rotary bring us the Yarrawonga Foreshore Farmers Market. Stalls comprising of Homemade, homegrown and handmade producers come together to sell their wares, with Sunrise rotary cooking up a storm with their egg & bacon rolls and snags in bread.
